Santuário San Rafael Ascension Catholic church

An independent ministry in the Catholic Tradition

Our Lady of Sorrows knows the anguish of a troubled soul and helps us to ascend to the Light. 

Sacrament of Confession * Reconciliation *

Healing Services * Anointing

Among the churches of  the Ascension Alliance, we don’t talk very much about sin, since it is a word that is poorly understood and is frankly a big turn-off.  At the same time, we know that sometimes it is extremely important for someone to hear, in a ritual way, that “your sins are forgiven.”  We also know that there is really something dreadfully wrong with the world, and there is great pain and suffering in ourselves and in the world.  Therefore we make available a healing and reconciliation service which incorporates anointing of the sick and sacramental absolution, as well as prayer for the healing of all infirmities, both physical and spiritual. 

We have experienced that those people who seek inner enlightenment and grace are often freed from the power of both sickness and anxiety.  This inner knowledge of the love of the Savior can often help us to know our true destiny in this universe.  Paradoxically, while some claim that the mystical experience leads one more and more away from fellow human beings, we affirm that those who are truly touched by the light of the Living Christos are the ones who are filled with love and compassion for all their fellow beings. 

Do you long for this inner light?  The inner touch of love which somehow got lost through the rejection of others, the complications and suffering of life, or some painful, inner experience of separation?  Whatever language you use, know that it is indeed possible to re-establish this inner sense of connection with God, that it is real, and that it can help you cope with the stresses of the “outer” world of daily life.  Perhaps you haven’t felt the touch of an angel since you were a child.  The Holy Sacraments of Jesus can clear away the blockage and the alienation of life’s tragedies and re-start the flow of the Living Water within. 

It’s not an easy or automatic journey, but it can happen, if you open the portal to Love. 

· Open the blockages within your physical and spiritual body which block the movement of the Divine Energy. 

· Restore balance and harmony to your Body, Soul, and Spirit.

· Begin to journey more deeply on the mystical path toward spiritual union with God. 

· Know the deep and intimate love that Jesus has for each of us, and know that it does not depend on human criteria but on God’s action in our hearts. 

· Once the inner healing is unleashed, it is not surprising when the physical health improves as well. 

Healing and Reconciliation

Most Rev. Robert J. Foss, Pastor



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