Santuário San Rafael Ascension Catholic church

An independent ministry in the Catholic Tradition




















(Oración del alcólito al  encender las candelas)


Hablo estas palabras

Con alma temblando:

He aqui el Salvador

Brillando ante mi

He aqui el timonero de la luz

Que ha decendido con el Salvador

Para arreglar mi alma

Levanto mis ojos

A las direcciónes sagradas

A ver que todas las muertes

Se me oculta el mensajero

Toda ruina se me retira

Toda enfermedad se me esconde

La angustia y sufrimiento de la oscuridad

Se me ha alejado

Todo es La Naturaleza Divina

Sin comparación.

(se enciende las candelas)

Brilla una Luz

Hermosa y jubilosa

Llena de alegria,

Compenetrando toda mi mente

En gozo completo

El Salvador me habla

Levantando mi alma

De toda aflicción

El Mensajero me dice:

“Ven, Espiritu, no tengas miedo,

Yo soy tu mente, tu evangelio de esperanza

Y tu eres el vestuario de mi cuerpo.

Yo soy tu Luz, radiante y pristino

Yo soy tu gran mente y tu esperanza completa.”




Blessing of Incense
Barekhmor. Bless us O Lord, and bless this creature incense which we offer to your honor, and may it be for our healing and pardon, O Creator of pleasant roots and sweet spices, O Lord of All.  Amen. 



Prayer of the Acolyte at the Lighting of the Candles



I speak these words with Soul a-tremble

I behold the Savior shine before me.

I behold the sight of the helmsman of light,

Who has descended with the Savior

to array my Soul. I lift up my eyes

toward the Sacred Direction, and see that all deaths

are hidden by the messenger,

All ravages have become remote from me,

The sight of grievous sickness is hidden,

And the anguish and distress of

darkness has fled away

All is divine nature without peer.


(here light the candles)


A light shines forth, elating and lovely,

Full of gladness, and

pervading all my mind.

In joy unbounded

the Savior speaks with me.

Raising up my soul from deep affliction.

To me the messenger says,

 “Come, Spirit, fear not!

I am your mind, your glad tidings of hope,

And you are the garment of my body.

I am your light, radiant, primeval,

I am your great mind and complete hope.”






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