Santuário San Rafael Ascension Catholic church

An independent ministry in the Catholic Tradition

Chaplet of the Seven Signs

Icon of St. John

the Evangelist


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Seven Signs Chaplet

Seven Signs 2

Christian Qabbalah

 St. Raphael Chaplet

Seven Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

About Bishop Roberto


Language and Sources

Rosary of St. Mary Magdalene

Seven Dolorous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

Anaphora of the Holy Covenant

Common Text From Liturgy of the Deep Song

Holy Eucharist of Christ-Sophia

Christ-Sophia page 2

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Praying the Mysteries of the Seven Signs


(Announce the mystery, read the scripture, and recite the prayers while meditating on the mysteries)



1.  The First Sign:  Water into wine.   The Mother of Jesus said to the disciples:  “Do whatever he tells you.”  Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.”  And they filled them up to the brim.  John 2:1


On the large bead:  The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen your glory, O First-born of the Fullness, O Image of the Living One, Grant us the light of your grace.  Amen.


On the ten beads:  From your fullness we have all received grace upon grace.  Light and truth have come through Jesus Christ your Holy One.  Bring us near to your heart, O God.  Amen


On the chain:  Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit, now and for all ages and aeons. Amen.  God is Love, when we abide in Love, we abide in God, and God in us.  Let us love one another.  Amen. 


2.  The Second Sign: curing the childThere was a royal official whose child was ill.  He went to Jesus and said, “Sir, come down before my little one dies.”  Jesus said, “Go, your child will live.”  Jn. 4:46


On the large bead:  The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen your glory, O First-born of the Fullness, O Image of the Living One, Grant us the light of your grace.  Amen.


On the ten beads:  From your fullness we have all received grace upon grace.  Light and truth have come through Jesus Christ your Holy One.  Bring us near to your heart, O God.  Amen. 


On the chain:  Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit, now and for all ages and aeons. Amen.  God is Love, when we abide in Love, we abide in God, and God in us.  Let us love one another.  Amen. 


Continuing in the same manner for each Sign


3.  The Third Sign:  catching 153 fishSimon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”  They said to him, “We will go with you,” but that night they caught nothing.  Jesus said to them at daybreak “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”  Jn 21:1


4.  The Fourth Sign:  bread for 5000.  Jesus said to Phillip:  “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?”  Phillip replied, “Six months wages would not buy enough.”  Someone else said, “There is a child here who has five barley loaves and two fish.”  Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.  Jn 6:1


5. The Fifth Sign: raising the dead.  Mary sent a message to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is ill.”  When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had been in the tomb four days.  Mary knelt at Jesus’ feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”  When Jesus saw her weeping, he was deeply

moved.  He said, “Where have you laid him?”  Jesus came to the tomb and said, “Take away the stone.”  Then he cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”  When he came out, Jesus said, “Unbind him and let him go.”    Jn 11:1


6.  The Sixth Sign: a blind man sees.  As he walked along, Jesus saw a man blind from birth.  He spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva and spread the mud on the man’s eyes, saying:  “Go and wash in the pool of Siloam.”  The man went to wash, and came back able to see.  Jn 9:1


7.  The Seventh Sign:  healing a long sickness.  In Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate there is a pool, called in Hebrew Bethsatha, which has five arched opennings.  In these lay many invalids, blind, lame and paralyzed, waiting for an angel to move the waters.  One person had been there for thirty eight years.  Jesus said, “Do you want to be made well?”  The sick person answered, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water moves.”  Jesus said, “Stand up, take your mat, and walk.”  Jn  5:1



God is light

In God there is no darkness

Let us walk in light

In union with one another.

Think of the love

That God has lavished  upon us

By letting us be called

God’s children,

For that is what we are.


     O Beloved Disciple St. John who rested thy head upon the breast of the Savior, and received into thy heart and home Holy Mary the Mother of Christ, we implore thee to intercede for us with the Heart of Jesus, to fill our hearts with light and love, generosity and compassion, and to set our hearts free from all earthly craving; so that we may live as sisters and brothers of Jesus, sustained by the Holy Spirit, in union with God, for all ages and aeons.


Holy God

Holy Mighty One

Holy Immortal One

Have mercy on us. Amen+.



     This chaplet prayer is a meditation on seven signs or manifestations of the Christ, which scholars suggest form one of the sources of the Gospel of John.  The signs not only point to the meaning of the life and ministry of Jesus, but are also portals for entry into the deeper mystery and knowledge of the inner meaning of the Christ event.  The reconstructed “Signs Gospel” provides a different order and number for the signs than Canonical John.  In all, there are 22 sections to the reconstructed gospel, which may relate mystically to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and each one can be prayed as a mystery of Christian Qabalah, to enter into the higher mysteries of God.


Traditional Seven Signs of the Gospel of John


1. Turning water into wine (2:1-12)

2. Healing the noblewoman's son (4:46-54)

3. Healing the man at Bethesda (5:1-47)

4. Feeding the 5000 (6:1-4)

5. Walking on Water (6:15-21)

6. Healing the Blind Man (9:1-41)

7. Raising of Lazarus (11:1-57)

[8. Greatest Sign: Christ's Resurrection (2:18-22)]



Phone: 213-944-5560



Santuário San Rafael 

 Antochene Catholic church

Most Rev. Robert J. Foss, bishop and Pastor


O Mother of Sorrows, who beheld Jesus lifted up on a cross, heal our wounds and console us in our grief! 

Opening Prayer


+In the Beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God

And the Word was God. 

Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit.  Now and for all ages and aeons.  Amen.



The Word was made flesh

And dwelt among us

And we have seen your glory

O First-born of the Fullness,

O Image of the Living One,

Grant us the light of your grace.  Amen.




From your fullness

We have all received

Grace upon grace.

Light and truth have come

through Jesus Christ your Holy One.

Bring us near to your heart, O God.  Amen



Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit, now and for all ages and aeons. Amen. 

God is Love

When we abide in Love

We abide in God

And God in us. 

Let us love one another.  Amen. 


If you do not have a seven decade Rosary, you can request one from Fr. Foss (please enclose a donation for mailing) or you can use a regular five decade rosary and after finishing five decades, back up two. 

A Rosary-Style Meditation on the

Gospel of St. John


The Chaplet

of the

Seven Signs



Santuário San Rafael 

 Ascension catholic church

Most Rev. Robert J. Foss, Pastor

Also known as:

The Crown of St. John

Prayed on a seven decade rosary

(Franciscan Crown)


Make the Sign of the Cross and pray on the Cross:


+In the Beginning was the Word

And the Word was with God

And the Word was God. 

Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit.  Now and for all ages and aeons.  Amen.


On the first  Large Bead:

The Word was made flesh

And dwelt among us

And we have seen your glory

O First-born of the Fullness,

O Image of the Living One,

Grant us the light of your grace.  Amen.


On the next three beads:

From your fullness

We have all received

Grace upon grace.

Light and truth have come

through Jesus Christ your Holy One.

Bring us near to your heart, O God.  Amen. 


On the chain:

Glory to you O God, Living One, Word and Spirit, now and for all ages and aeons. Amen. 

God is Love

When we abide in Love

We abide in God

And God in us. 

Let us love one another.  Amen.